Saturday, April 29, 2006

Boots On the Ground

I cannot emphasize enough just how easy it is for us to take our freedom for granted. I left the country several days ago. We drove through lush green meadows, over flowing brooks and ponds, through elm, oak, fir and spruce. Memories of baseball games, track meets, hiking trips, picnics, friends and family rushed over me. I'm a lucky man to have been blessed with so many wonderful memories and I cherish the fact that in our country we have the opportunity to pursue so much. Just before I stepped on that plane, I paused with one foot still on the ground. I wanted to savor the feel of my country under my boot.

Today my boots stand on a gray, brown landscape, foriegn and desolate. It will be some time before I get home again, but I am proud to join my fellow soldiers. Morale is high with 24 soldiers reenlisting just today. I know we are ready for our mission and will serve with honor, integrity and the utmost professionalism. Like it or not, we are on the world's stage. Not only our mission, but the way we conduct our mission will lead to success or failure. In 363 more days I'll return home, hopefully with a 100% successfull mission completed, and surely to a warm welcome and to that firm, comfortable step.

1 comment:

ROB_ROI said...

Godspeed on your mission boy!